Technical Issues
A.The Blogger has finally found it. After scrounging through old diaries, journals, and half-filled notebooks, they have the old password to their Xenga blog. They now have access to the individual entries for ease of downloading. At the end of each day, roll 1d6. On a 6, remove one of the tokens. Do not discard this card.
2. They spent the entire day copying and pasting from the blog to Word. Do they try to save the formatting, with all the colors and poor font choices?
3. The website refused to load today. When this card is drawn, write what The Blogger did instead of saving posts and shuffle the remaining cards back into the deck.
4. Half of the images are broken links. They don’t remember what site they used to host them. They spend the day writing annotations about what they think the images might have been. Pull 1 block from the tower.
5. The website crashes every time they try to play a song on it. It takes ages to load again. Pull 1 block from the tower.
6. The emojis they used in the posts don’t transfer over to Word. Do they manually re-insert them, or do they forgo it completely? Pull 1 block from the tower.
7. An entire section of the website is unavailable because of a broken link. What does The Blogger think was supposed to be there? Pull 2 blocks from the tower.
8. There is something wrong with the formatting of an entire post. They can only see about half of the words. Do they try to fill in the blanks or do they leave it as is? Pull 1 block from the tower.
9. A post is half garbled in symbols to represent missing characters and unregistered fronts. They can read the post fine, but they will need to manually re-type at least half of the characters. Pull 1 block from the tower.
10. The resolution for the website is too small and they need to spend time zooming in each time they refresh the page.
J. 7h3y wr073 4 p057 1n l337 5p34k. W)(y? C4n 7h3y 3v3n r34d 17 n0w? (They wrote a post in leet speak. Why? Can they even read it now?)
Q. They no longer have access to the same email they used to sign up for Xenga. How has this hindered the progress of saving all the posts?
K. They dropped the external harddrive they have been using to back up all the blog posts. The harddrive is completely unusable, but they still had about half of the posts saved on the computer. Pull 4 blocks from the tower and set them aside. Do not put the blocks on the top of the tower.
If this is the 4th King, The Blogger has decided that it isn’t worth the effort to save the blog after all. The game is over.
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