Known As | The Blogger
Blog Death | 2013
Gender | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Artists I ♥
.: Hyde Nikolaev-Angelus
.: Caleb
.: Bailie Rosenlund
.: Little Tunny
.: Dappermouth
.: Siroc_Co
.: Eleonor Piteira
.: Maricu Mana

My Games
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Designed by:
Karlo @ Dark Hybrid
[Isa] - [Dalawa]



Lady-Pixel RosePurrade Alecxhound Arrelline

What is it all for?


Remember to write in third person!

A. They find an unassuming post about a mundane, but still lovely day they had with a grandmother that has since passed. They didn’t remember this until reading the post and all the memories came back. They would have never remembered this moment if not for this blog. Do not discard this card. When there are 3 blocks set aside, go ahead and place them on the top of the tower. You may only do this once.

2. Why did they start the blog? 

3. Why did they abandon the blog? 

4. What was the original reason for wanting to save this blog? Has that reason changed over the course of reading the posts? 

5. Did they show this blog to anyone while they were writing it? What did that person think?

6. What are they missing out on to spend time saving the blog posts? Pull 1 block from the tower. 

7. What entry are they looking for in particular? Why is it important that they find it? 

8. Reading the posts has made them emotional for their youth. Are they nostalgic or are they happy it’s over? 

9. What do their friends think of this project to save the posts? Are they encouraging or discouraging? 

10. They find a post that makes them laugh out loud. Was the writing genuinely funny or were they laughing at themselves?

J. The Blogger is still friends with someone they met on Xenga. They are also trying to save all of their blog posts. Are they having just as much trouble as The Blogger?

Q. Are they afraid of anyone finding the posts while they are still online? If yes, who?

K. When they thought it couldn’t get any more embarrassing they have found the worst post they have ever made. Do they save it? If yes, pull an additional black card, write the entry and remove a token. If no, or if there are no more black cards available, roll 1d6 and remove that number of blocks from the tower and set these blocks aside. Do not place them on top of the tower.

If this is the 4th King, The Blogger has decided that this blog should never see the light of day and they give up on trying to archive their posts. The game is over.